6180 the moon - définition. Qu'est-ce que 6180 the moon
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est 6180 the moon - définition

6180 the moon         
6180 The Moon; 6180 the Moon
6180 the moon is a minimalistic puzzle-platform game developed by Turtle Cream and Miara S Bekho. The game's soundtrack was composed by Seongyi Yi and Chaeeun Kim.
  • url=https://humanresearchroadmap.nasa.gov/evidence/reports/lunar%20dust.pdf}}</ref>
  • Lunar Module ''Eagle'']] of [[Tranquility Base]], during [[Apollo 11]] (1969), the first crewed [[Moon landing]]
  • Harrison H. Schmitt]] next to a large Moon boulder
  •  access-date=Aug 8, 2022}}</ref>
  • Artist's depiction of the Moon as it might have appeared in Earth's sky after the [[Late Heavy Bombardment]] around 4 billion years ago, when its orbit was half as close to Earth and it appeared 2.8 times larger than today.<ref name="Lunar and Planetary Institute" />
  • 300x300px
  • Moon's far side]]
  • DSCOVR satellite]] and Earth
  •  access-date=2023-04-28}}</ref>
  • [[Galileo]]'s sketches of the Moon from the ground-breaking ''[[Sidereus Nuncius]]'' (1610), publishing among other findings the first descriptions of the Moons topography
  • hardened]] lava flows of [[Mare Imbrium]] forming [[wrinkle ridge]]s
  • First view of the [[far side of the Moon]], taken by [[Luna 3]], 7 October 1959. Clearly visible is [[Mare Moscoviense]] (top right) and a mare triplet of [[Mare Crisium]], [[Mare Marginis]] and [[Mare Smythii]] (left center).
  • [[Libration]], the slight variation in the Moon's [[apparent size]] and viewing angle over a single lunar month as viewed from Earth's north
  • ☾
  • 450x450px
  • crater]] (brown) features of the near side of the Moon
  • Earth–Moon distance]] is not to scale.
  • to be round]], several having [[subsurface ocean]]s and one, Titan, having a considerable atmosphere.
  • alt=The small blue-white semicircle of Earth, almost glowing with color in the blackness of space, rising over the limb of the desolate, cratered surface of the Moon.
  • LCRT]] concept for a radio telescope on the Moon
  • Orion spacecraft]]'s flyby of the Moon in the [[Artemis 1]] mission
  • Wide angle image of a lunar swirl, the 70 kilometer long [[Reiner Gamma]]
  • Moon's internal structure: solid inner core (iron-metallic), molten outer core, hardened mantle and crust. The crust on the Moon's near side permanently facing Earth is thinner, featuring larger areas flooded by material of the once molten mantle forming today's [[lunar mare]].
  • Comparison between the Moon on the left, rotating tidally locked (correct), and with the Moon on the right, without rotation (incorrect)
  • Simplified diagram of the Moon's gravity tidal effect on the Earth
  • The changing apparent color of the Moon, filtered by Earth's atmosphere
  • website=Science News}}</ref>
  • gravitational pull]] of the Moon is approximately 1/6 of Earth's.
Earth's moon; Luna (moon); Luna (satellite); The moon; Sol 3a; Earth I; Moon of the Earth; Earth's Moon; Moon (Earth); The Moon; Luna (natural satellite); Lunar mass; Mass of the Moon; Earth and moon; Sol IIIa; Terran System; Moon distance from earth; Mass of Moon; Moon in art and literature; 🌛; 🌜; Earth-Moon system; Moon mass; Natural Earth satellite; Earth-Moon System; Moon in literature; Moon (moon); Terra I; Earth–Moon system; Lunar radius; The Moon in fiction; Terran Moon Luna; Moon in culture; Satellite Luna; Moon of earth; Earths moon; Moon of Earth; Earth-moon system; Earth and Moon; Moon radius; Permanent presence of humans on the Moon; Climate of the Moon; Terrestrial moon; Moon (satellite); Moon (satellite of Earth); Earth's natural satellite; Natural satellite of Earth; Terrestrial natural satellite; Lunar humanization; Lunar infrastructure; Size of the Moon; Our Moon; Our moon; Moom; Lunye
1) a full; half; harvest; new; quarter moon
2) the moon wanes; waxes
3) the moon comes out
4) on the moon (astronauts have walked on the moon)
v. (D; intr.) to moon over
  • url=https://humanresearchroadmap.nasa.gov/evidence/reports/lunar%20dust.pdf}}</ref>
  • Lunar Module ''Eagle'']] of [[Tranquility Base]], during [[Apollo 11]] (1969), the first crewed [[Moon landing]]
  • Harrison H. Schmitt]] next to a large Moon boulder
  •  access-date=Aug 8, 2022}}</ref>
  • Artist's depiction of the Moon as it might have appeared in Earth's sky after the [[Late Heavy Bombardment]] around 4 billion years ago, when its orbit was half as close to Earth and it appeared 2.8 times larger than today.<ref name="Lunar and Planetary Institute" />
  • 300x300px
  • Moon's far side]]
  • DSCOVR satellite]] and Earth
  •  access-date=2023-04-28}}</ref>
  • [[Galileo]]'s sketches of the Moon from the ground-breaking ''[[Sidereus Nuncius]]'' (1610), publishing among other findings the first descriptions of the Moons topography
  • hardened]] lava flows of [[Mare Imbrium]] forming [[wrinkle ridge]]s
  • First view of the [[far side of the Moon]], taken by [[Luna 3]], 7 October 1959. Clearly visible is [[Mare Moscoviense]] (top right) and a mare triplet of [[Mare Crisium]], [[Mare Marginis]] and [[Mare Smythii]] (left center).
  • [[Libration]], the slight variation in the Moon's [[apparent size]] and viewing angle over a single lunar month as viewed from Earth's north
  • ☾
  • 450x450px
  • crater]] (brown) features of the near side of the Moon
  • Earth–Moon distance]] is not to scale.
  • to be round]], several having [[subsurface ocean]]s and one, Titan, having a considerable atmosphere.
  • alt=The small blue-white semicircle of Earth, almost glowing with color in the blackness of space, rising over the limb of the desolate, cratered surface of the Moon.
  • LCRT]] concept for a radio telescope on the Moon
  • Orion spacecraft]]'s flyby of the Moon in the [[Artemis 1]] mission
  • Wide angle image of a lunar swirl, the 70 kilometer long [[Reiner Gamma]]
  • Moon's internal structure: solid inner core (iron-metallic), molten outer core, hardened mantle and crust. The crust on the Moon's near side permanently facing Earth is thinner, featuring larger areas flooded by material of the once molten mantle forming today's [[lunar mare]].
  • Comparison between the Moon on the left, rotating tidally locked (correct), and with the Moon on the right, without rotation (incorrect)
  • Simplified diagram of the Moon's gravity tidal effect on the Earth
  • The changing apparent color of the Moon, filtered by Earth's atmosphere
  • website=Science News}}</ref>
  • gravitational pull]] of the Moon is approximately 1/6 of Earth's.
Earth's moon; Luna (moon); Luna (satellite); The moon; Sol 3a; Earth I; Moon of the Earth; Earth's Moon; Moon (Earth); The Moon; Luna (natural satellite); Lunar mass; Mass of the Moon; Earth and moon; Sol IIIa; Terran System; Moon distance from earth; Mass of Moon; Moon in art and literature; 🌛; 🌜; Earth-Moon system; Moon mass; Natural Earth satellite; Earth-Moon System; Moon in literature; Moon (moon); Terra I; Earth–Moon system; Lunar radius; The Moon in fiction; Terran Moon Luna; Moon in culture; Satellite Luna; Moon of earth; Earths moon; Moon of Earth; Earth-moon system; Earth and Moon; Moon radius; Permanent presence of humans on the Moon; Climate of the Moon; Terrestrial moon; Moon (satellite); Moon (satellite of Earth); Earth's natural satellite; Natural satellite of Earth; Terrestrial natural satellite; Lunar humanization; Lunar infrastructure; Size of the Moon; Our Moon; Our moon; Moom; Lunye
¦ noun
1. (also Moon) the natural satellite of the earth, visible (chiefly at night) by reflected light from the sun.
a natural satellite of any planet.
2. literary or humorous a month: many moons ago.
¦ verb
1. behave or move in a listless or dreamy manner.
2. informal expose one's buttocks to someone as an insult or in fun.
over the moon informal delighted.
moonless adjective
moonlet noun
moonlike adjective
OE mona, of Gmc origin; related to month.